Jeti Altmeter updated to BMP280

Since I’ve had quite lot of contact from users building Jeti Altmeter with BMP280 sensor and some users had issues using the BMP280 instead of the BMP180 I used in my proto I decided to look for the issues my self. So, I ordered a few BMP280’s.

Well, all went well. However, one small change had to be made to Adafruit BMP280 library.

What’s done?

To make life easier for all of you there is now separate connection-pictures for both sensor-boards. Also the Arduino sketch (.ino) and ready compiled file (.hex) for XLoader-usage have been made to both models.

And to make life even more easier there are complete folders for both sensors-models so it should be as easy as possible :)

So, enjoy the $5€ altitude sensor!

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