How’s 2022 been? From RCT point-of-view both quiet and busy. Quiet on content but busy on maintenance and under-the-hood updates. Site is still being
Author: Tero
Server maintenance 28. February
My server-provider will be doing maintenance and this will shut down my server so predicted offline time will be: From 28th February 22.00 (CET)
Text-To-Speech fixed
RC-Thoughts TTS uses VoiceRSS API to convert your text to audiofiles. VoiceRSS had an issue with their website and I made a working workaround
Wild Boar RC Stick Switch
Andrej sent me two of his latest creation, Wild Boar RC Stick Switches. There’s been some fuzz about these on forums for a while
Text-To-Speech Upgraded!
Ever since the RC-Thoughts Text-To-Speech service opened at the end of 2015 it’s been hugely popular. You have made over 140 000 soundfiles so