RC-Thoughts TTS uses VoiceRSS API to convert your text to audiofiles. VoiceRSS had an issue with their website and I made a working workaround
Tag: Text To Speech
Text-To-Speech Upgraded!
Ever since the RC-Thoughts Text-To-Speech service opened at the end of 2015 it’s been hugely popular. You have made over 140 000 soundfiles so
Text To Speech service improved!
There was a user who wanted a wav-file to be played once a second. This was not fully possible since files were too long.
Text-To-Speech Service Improved
Ever since the TTS-service was deployed I was not totally happy about the sound-level of files. It was sort of enough so I did
Text To Speech is broken – Fixed!
RC-Thoughts Text-To-Speech service is broken at the moment. Investigation is ongoing and service should be up shortly. Update: The core-service Voicerss is down at