Phoenix Sim Is Back Online!

The good old Phoenix Sim is back online! A few days ago I got an email that the server is suddenly back online, had no idea by who or how.

Despite it’s old it’s hugely popular, Since I started sharing the Phoenix Sim files here on RCT they’re been downloaded in huge amounts. I transferred RCT to this new server in January this year and there’s been 92Tb of traffic since then. Yes, that’s terabytes!

Phoenix Sim Online

There is now a post in RCGroups explaining the full updated situation with Phoenix Sim:

I do notice that there are some questions about the Phoenix online server.
On 1 January 2019 “Runtime Games Limited” has been discontinued.
I have a Notice of dissolution and you can found it on the internet.

The two domain names and were also released on that date.
The domain is owned by a Malaysian company (gambling site) in February 2019.
I registered the domain around November 2020 to link it to the released Phoenix online server.

How do I get the server files?
In January, the company “Runtime Games Limited” opened its ftp server for the public to download anything for a month, see other posts on around that time.
The ftp server of “Runtime Games Limited” contained files such as the installation dvd, models, maps but also the Phoenix online server.
After some research I found out how the Phoenix online server works and after a month of testing I bought the domain and linked it to the server.
I only set up the server to be able to fly online again without additional software.

I turned off the download server on 12/14/2020 because it gave an update message to some. Let us know if someone will receive an update notification after 14-12-2020?

So, just like you, I am a model pilot who bought an original Phoenix and always liked to fly online with friends.
This was no longer possible from 1 January 2019 until a few weeks ago.

If original copyright holders wish to take the server down for a valid reason they can contact me.
In the future I will create a simple website at and create an email address for better communication.

If the server is sometimes offline, it is due to security updates that require me to manually restart the server, keep this in mind.

with kind regards, Ballie
Ps. the server is located in the Netherlands

Happy to say to Ballie: Thanks! This will keep Phoenix Sim alive!

Phoenix Sim

29 thoughts on “Phoenix Sim Is Back Online!

    1. The Phoenix online is not maintained by me so I cannot comment on anything happening there since I don't know about it.

  1. trying to downlaod 6.0 ver, still having a heck of a time? a lot of flyers have donr so, down loaded 6.o ver, can someome give me step by step , please. do i need to un install 5.5.1 ver 1st? thanks!

      1. Spent near on 6 hours trying to get this pile of crap to work today. Used to work with no issues. Granted not touched it in years but my why does it stop working for no reason?

  2. hi. it is fantastic that a proper online server is up and running again. thankyou to whoever you are, for for your efforts. phoenix is an excellent sim, works extremely well online and has a great community (or used to anyway) and definitely deserves another life!

    however, it seems utterly useless until everyone uses the exact same version.

    i suggest that a specific version is mandated by the new owner. it doesnt really matter which one, although the final version would make most sense. and this version made available for download by the person running the server, so everyone can be on the same version.

    cheers, andy (my phoenix user names used to be neverland, yellow goblin)

  3. Por favor preciso de ajuda.
    o meu PhoenixRC não aparece o avião. é como estivesse em modo espectador. eu uso o win10.
    meu Radio esta configurado mas os modelos não aparecem…..
    alguém pode me ajudar agradeço.

    1. eu usava a versão 4.0 e funcionava tudo certinho no mesmo pc eu atualizei para a versão 6.0 e os modelos nao aparecem na pista. o radio eu calibro e configuro tudo certinho….. Help

      1. Please write in english through contact-page. THis post is not a help-forum. Also please note that I am not Phoenix-support :)

  4. The instructions say thw ws2000 dongle can be used. I did not have success at all. any thoughts on procedure to do so.

  5. Hallo hab vor Jahren Phönix RC gekauft und derzeit auf Windows sehr zufrieden damit – jetzt habe ich Android als Betriebssystem und kann dazu nichts finden.
    Kann mir da jemand helfen?
    Danke LG aus Oberösterreich

    1. Ich glaube, PhönixRc funktioniert nur unter Windows, nicht unter Android. Viel Glück!

  6. Bonjour, je tombe des nues en voyant qu'un simu tel que Phoenix c'est violement perdu depuis 2019, je l'avais même pas vraiment remarquer jusqu'à se que je me pause la question il y a environ 2 mois comme quoi il y a plus de mise a jours dispo depuis l'onglet téléchargement sur le simu. Se pendant je tombe sur ce site avec beaucoup d'explications que j'ai suivi une lettre pour installer la version 6.0i du simu et ce pendentif impossible de comprendre pourquoi je n'arrive ni a installer les model présent sur ce site hormis les Jets et ni les cartes. Et la ou je ne comprend plus rien c'est au moment de jouer en ligne, je m'explique, je viens de la version 3.0 du simu dernier dvd acheter pour ma part, et de la plus de partie en ligne dispo, je tombe sur ce cite je fais la mise à jour de la version 5. 5g je tombe sur une partie dispo en ligne ou j ai voler environ 1h30 et la bye la personne part et a nouveau plus de partie dispo (c'était la seul ce soir la soit le 28.12.21) le lendemain 2 parties dispo et impossible de se connecter car les joueurs utilisent une version antérieure du simu. Bref je fini par mettre a jour mon simu jusqu'à la version actuelle (la 6.0i) et a nouveau plus de partie dispo et toujours le même joueur en ligne dans le menu multi (agent007) et cela sur toute les versions… aidez moi svp Quesque je fais faut ? comment puis-j a nouveau jouer en ligne avec du monde et avoir les cartes et modèles qui me manque sur ce simu? la population de Phoenix c'est pas envolée comme ca sur d'autres plateformes plus récentes j'ose espérer.? Merci d'avances meilleurs salutations et bonnes fêtes des fin d'année ! ;)

    1. Je n'ai jamais joué en ligne, mais je crois que tous les joueurs doivent avoir la même version. La communauté a besoin d'un endroit pour se rassembler, c'est sûr. Bonne chance !

  7. After buying RF 9.5 and finding it uses DX version not compatitble with my Radeon GPU i've got Pheonix! Amazing working keeping this going.

    I cant connect to any multiplayers sessions – is there a specific port which needs to be opened?

    1. To my understanding no if you are not hosting a session. Try to contact the guy running the server?

  8. Hello, can you provide the server configuration file? I want to configure a server. Or local area network connection

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