I finally got a lot of details updated in various articles about Lua. Reason is very simple, Lua is accessible in all Jeti 14/16/24 transmitters from firmware 4.22 up and also the way memory limitation in 14/16 works is updated.
Main difference between 14/16 and 24?
The without a doubt biggest difference between older hardware (14/16) and newer hardware (24) is the memory-usage and limitations of it. The actual differences (app-amount, control output amount etc) have not been changed. You should read the Lua API, a few new commands have been added.
In 14/16 you are limited to 50KB memory to all Lua apps. In firmware 4.22 the way limitation works was changed drastically:
If you try to run Lua apps consuming more than 50KB all Lua itself will be killed.
Harsh maybe, but it’s safe. In firs Lua-enabled firmware the limit was said to be 30KB but in fact I used up to over 70KB in testing and via that also caused issues is transmitters other non-critical functions. Those days are gone and Lua is now without any issues on 14/16 too. So yes, I like the “new way” to handle memory.
If you find articles with old info, please inform me via contact-form here!