Welcome to RC-Thoughts.com


This is a blog-like thingy about stuff related to radio-controlled helicopters and almost anything surrounding them.  For some reason there’s mostly programming information regarding Jeti-radio since this started from an idea to preserve and simplify finding of various guides found on internet.

Not all of guides are made by, or invented by me, some are tho. If I have known the original poster on forums I’ve credited the author. Nevertheless, since the information-flow on these things is huge I thought of making somewhat easier to find at least some of the guides.

Another thing I’m “known for” is my charger-case built around iCharger 4010Duo, check in the menu for project’s for that.

Like always, if You have anything You’d like to tell me please do, there’s contact-form in the menu just for that. Also there’s a possibility to subscribe to new post’s if You like.
